Time doesn't heal or make you forget, each day may make you stronger and able to coup with what install but I still have so many regrets...
new look, new ....
Been working on what is needed for our group to move forward, one of the first thing is to relook at the website, some of it is just tidy...
follow up
I had a follow up meeting with the snowdrop centre about a few ideas, from this I am hoping to start a father group where we will meet up...
Keeping Positive
The run had a positive affect, I felt that George would of been cheering me on. During the build up and since I find little white...
The Great North
Morning of the great north run, had breakfast and walked to the start. As I was sitting alone on the bank, I listened to some of the...
The house is full of life, kids running around and doing their own thing, but soon it will be time for the new school term to start, this...
I have been working on ideas for our little group, I will be talking to snowdrop after the run on how we can work together on these...
run forest run
Getting my running shoes on, feel more of a bind than a pleasure, when I'm out I have no problems, I don't know what it is, it should be...
The days go past like night and day merging into one another. Nothing but numbers on a calendar, nothing but another day to get up. The...
zero to nothing
In just over a month, I will be running in the Great North Run but feel so mentally unfit, i'm not in the best place, I do try to battle...