Hope for Future
When I first created this website and blog, it was as an outlet, and for the first six months or so, I didn’t even go live as I found releasing part of my soul was just too difficult to let go, as I wrote down my feeling and emotions, it was in the hopes that in some small way my story could help and comfort others who may be going through the same emotional turmoil, nothing could as ever prepare you for a loss of my child and how every day I still feel the loss, it was never about not feeling or forgetting George, but more about coming to teams with his loss.
I also have several ambitions, maybe more like pipe dream, but these was always going to be put into place to help others, I tried to get onboards a sponsor who would be willing to see the potential but as of yet I have not been able to secure a deal, maybe because of myself confident and don’t react to knock backs well, but I need to look at the bigger picture and put my fears to the background. Let hope next year our dreams finds a way of becoming reality.