Fathers Day
Father’s day is and always will be an emotional time for ‘dads with angels’, many of us have living children and try to keep it normal for them, some are separated and are unable to see their loved ones and the few dads who have not any other children but instead only have hurt, you’re not alone.
In most societies we are conditioned that ‘big boys don’t cry’ or we need to be strong, whiled in our hearts we know something very important in our lives is missing, never a day goes by without us thinking about them or the endless questions of what would of been.
Yesterday, as I sat on the sofa recovering from a long run, I noticed a face in the ruffles of the curtains, I’m not saying I’m a convert or I see dead people, it just helps when you see a sign or hear a song that reminds you of our angels.
Everyday we see things that shouldn’t be there or are out of place, and many of these times you can put a logical explanation to, but why should we, if it give us even a moment of inner peace why shouldn’t just go with it.
I regally see a single white feather on the ground or a butterfly flapping its wings in the middle of winter. What signs do you notice that helps you?